GROWING IN FAITH… Sharing His love through our actions!
Want to give back to the church with your time? We have some wonderful volunteer opportunities available!
Volunteer Opportunities
CHILDREN (K – 5th grade)
- Sunday School Assistant / Substitute
- Sunday School Teacher / Substitute
- Vacation Bible School Assistant
- Sunday Greeter
- Host Connection Center
- Provide Cookies for Church Member Events
- Provide a Dish for Funeral Dinners
- Serve Funeral Dinners
- Preparation Set-up for Social Events
- Clean-up after Social Events
- Help with a Community Service Project
- Provide Transportation for Elderly to Medical Appointments
- Food Pantry Volunteer
- Loaves & Fishes
- Yard Clean-up
- Watering Flowers
- Small Maintenance / Construction
- Reset Altar following 9:00 AM Service
- Worship Leader Reading 11:00 AM Service
- Chancel Choir
- Hand Bell Choir
YOUTH (6th – 12th grade)
- Sunday School Assistant / Substitute
- Sunday School Teacher / Substitute
- Youth Group Assistant 1 X / month
- Co-Chaperone Overnight Events
Have you ever considered being part of the church’s ministry? We have many opportunities to stay connected and get involved. Let us know what you’re interested in and we’ll find the place just for you!