The Outreach Ministry Team fosters an awareness of needs that exist in our community, our nation, and our world and coordinates outreach initiatives in each arena. First Christian Church supports mission work and benevolence in many ways. A few examples include supporting a missionary family in West Asia, offering financial support to social agencies in our local community, contributing to disaster relief efforts and other service oriented programs.
Programs Sponsored by the Outreach Ministry Team
The Atchison County Food Pantry at First Christian Church
The pantry the continues their drive through food distributions every other Friday to all residents or those employed in Atchison County in need of assistance. It is an outreach Ministry program that is supported solely by donations and operates with volunteers.
Loaves & Fishes
This special ministry cooperates with other area churches rotating on Saturdays to cook and deliver meals to the homebound. We purchase, prepare, and deliver the meals with volunteers. Our church provides the meal once every seven weeks throughout the calendar year.
Atchison Together–Atchison County Community Agency Directory
The publication of this Directory is the result of local leaders, institutions, and agencies working together. We invite you to join us in promoting communication, cooperation, and collaboration among those who love and serve the Atchison community. Because together we can do more…