While Administrative Assistant might be Rosie’s official title, her contribution to the life and ministries of First Christian Church extend well beyond the realm of typical administrative duties. Rosie’s thirty-eight years of service in this capacity have made her an invaluable member of our leadership team and a wealth of information on nearly every aspect of our church. As everyone has come to know, at least around here, when in doubt about something, “Ask Rosie.”
When Rosie is not answering phone calls, publishing bulletins and newsletters, or answering everyone’s questions in the office, she enjoys spending time in the garden or among the fruit trees on her family’s fifty-nine acre farm. Rosie also enjoys cooking and entertaining family. Rosie and her husband Tim were married at First Christian Church thirty-six years ago. Together they have one daughter Lisa and four grandchildren–Jathynn, Malachi, Jaimee, and Kayden.